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Case Study: Heat Acclimatisation Room for Focus Driver at Sydney Motorsport Park

At Thermoline, we pride ourselves on delivering cutting-edge solutions tailored to the specific needs of our clients. One such project involved the design, construction, and installation of a bespoke heat acclimatisation room for Focus Driver, a premier motorsports training facility at Sydney Motorsport Park in Eastern Creek. This state-of-the-art room, part of our Humiditherm range, is designed to simulate extreme racing conditions, enabling drivers to prepare effectively for the rigours of competitive motorsport.

The Challenge: Preparing Drivers for Extreme ConditionsIMG_9389

Cabin temperatures in race cars are difficult to train for; that's why Focus Driver invested in Australia’s only motorsport-specific heat training chamber. Acclimatise and build endurance to any condition you’ll experience in a race car.

Motorsport is a demanding sport that requires not only skill and precision but also physical endurance, especially in high-temperature environments. Focus Driver recognised the need to acclimatise their drivers to these extreme conditions to enhance performance and safety. The challenge was to create a controlled environment that could accurately simulate the intense heat and humidity experienced during races.

Thermoline’s Solution: The Heat Acclimatisation Room

Thermoline responded to this challenge with a custom-built heat acclimatisation room featuring our advanced TCU-4 Room Conditioning Unit, a key component of the Humiditherm range. This unit offers unparalleled control over both temperature and humidity, essential for creating the demanding conditions required for effective driver training.

The room is capable of reaching temperatures up to 55°C with a relative humidity of 60%, closely replicating the conditions found in some of the most challenging racing environments around the globe. This precise control allows Focus Driver to expose their athletes to the stresses they will face in competition, ensuring they are fully prepared for race day.

Why Focus Driver Chose Thermoline

Focus Driver is dedicated to providing its drivers with the best possible training, and they chose Thermoline for our proven track record in delivering high-quality, Australian-made solutions. The heat acclimatisation room is a testament to our commitment to excellence and innovation, offering Focus Driver a critical tool to improve their drivers' performance and safety.IMG_7648

Our Humiditherm range, which includes the TCU-4, is designed for applications requiring exacting standards of temperature and humidity control. The flexibility and reliability of our products made Thermoline the ideal partner for this project.

Cabin temperatures in race cars are difficult to train for; that's why Focus Driver invested in Australia’s only motorsport-specific heat training chamber. Acclimatise and build endurance to any condition you’ll experience in a race car.

The Benefits: Enhanced Driver Performance

The new heat acclimatisation room allows Focus Driver to simulate real-world racing conditions in a safe and controlled environment. By gradually exposing drivers to extreme heat and humidity, the facility helps improve their physiological responses, reducing the risk of heat-related issues and enhancing their ability to perform under pressure.

This facility is not just about preparing drivers for the heat; it also provides valuable data on how different drivers respond to these conditions, allowing for tailored training programs that address individual needs.

Conclusion: Thermoline’s Commitment to Excellence


The installation of the heat acclimatisation room at Focus Driver underscores Thermoline’s dedication to providing high-performance, reliable, and locally manufactured solutions. Our Humiditherm range continues to set the standard in temperature and humidity control, offering clients like Focus Driver the tools they need to achieve their goals.

For more information on our Humiditherm range and how Thermoline can assist with your specific needs, please contact us. We are here to help you push the boundaries of performance.