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Maximising Safety and Efficiency: Best Practices for Using Thermoline Ultrasonic Baths

An ultrasonic bath is an essential piece of equipment in many laboratories, known for its versatility in applications like degassing, cell lysis, and cleaning. Thermoline's ultrasonic water baths are designed for optimal performance, but using them incorrectly can lead to safety risks, ineffective results, and reduced equipment longevity.

Here are key best practices to follow when using Thermoline’s ultrasonic baths:

1. Use a Basket or Other Means of Suspension1-200911152614

When placing objects in your ultrasonic bath, it's crucial to prevent direct contact with the base of the tank, where the transducers are located. Heavy or dense objects in contact with the transducers can impair their functionality or cause permanent damage.

To avoid this, suspend objects using a wire basket or similar suspension methods. If you're using beakers or tubes, they should also be suspended in the bath. Thermoline offers baskets specifically designed for use with their ultrasonic baths to ensure optimal performance and protect the tank.

2. Choose the Appropriate Solution

Selecting the correct solution is vital for effective ultrasonic cleaning or processing. While distilled or demineralised water is often suitable, it's important not to use overly pure water, such as deionised water, which can become corrosive to the bath’s tank over time.

A buffer solution may be required for specialised applications like cell lysis. If you’re cleaning with your Thermoline ultrasonic bath, you can use alkaline or acidic cleaning agents, depending on the material being cleaned and the nature of the contaminants.

3. Don’t Use Flammable Liquids

ultrasonic water bathUltrasonic cavitation generates heat, making flammable liquids like alcohol or acetone unsafe for use in a standard ultrasonic bath. Exposure to volatile liquids can lead to safety hazards or damage to the bath itself. It's important to always use suitable solutions that align with your application and ensure the longevity of your Thermoline equipment.

4. Don’t Put Your Hand in the Bath

Keep all body parts, especially your hands, out of the ultrasonic bath while it’s running. Many cleaning solutions used in ultrasonic baths can cause skin irritation, and the effects of ultrasonic waves on skin are not well-studied, so it’s best to avoid direct exposure.

5. Ensure the Tank is Filled Properly

Always ensure that the tank is filled to the recommended level before switching on your ultrasonic bath. Operating the bath without the proper fluid level can cause the transducers to overheat and burn out, resulting in costly repairs or replacements. Thermoline ultrasonic baths come with clear guidelines for proper filling levels to ensure smooth operation.

6. Ensure the Right Temperature

Many ultrasonic baths, including those from Thermoline, have heating capabilities that can speed up processes like degassing and cleaning. However, it’s crucial to set the appropriate temperature for your application. Excessive heat can cause adverse reactions, damage sensitive objects, or affect the overall effectiveness of the ultrasonic process. Always refer to Thermoline’s guidelines for the optimal temperature settings for your specific use case.

7. Thoroughly Read the Manual

Before using your Thermoline ultrasonic bath, make sure to read the manual thoroughly. Understanding the specific features and capabilities of your unit will help you maximise its effectiveness and avoid potential issues. Thermoline products are designed with safety and ease of use in mind, but following proper operating procedures is essential for getting the best results.


Proper use of an ultrasonic bath ensures safety, longevity, and effectiveness. By following these best practices and selecting the appropriate Thermoline ultrasonic bath for your needs, you can confidently enhance your lab’s cleaning, degassing, and cell lysis processes. If you have any questions about Thermoline’s ultrasonic baths or need assistance in selecting the right model, contact our team for expert advice.


Visit LabDirect to purchase this range of ultrasonic water baths online.